As Zanu PF factions destroy each other, the military will have a huge say as to who would take over from President Mugabe.


As Zanu PF factions destroy each other, the military will have a huge say as to who would take over from President Mugabe.


He is a controversial prophet who continues to draw large crowds with his promise of miracles. But as his popularity soars he faces all sorts of allegations. So far he has survived.


Two secretary generals tried to topple him but failed. His wife walked out but returned home. Now MDC leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, is plotting his way to State House.


Latest news, entertainment and sports.

Friday 26 July 2024


The British Embassy in Harare has unveiled a new initiative aimed at empowering Zimbabwean smallholder farmers to increase their production and export of high-value horticulture crops.

This project forms part of the UK’s broader commitment to fostering economic growth and improving livelihoods through increased trade between Zimbabwe and the UK and EU.

The initiative will provide smallholder farmers with comprehensive training and support to enhance crop yields and quality. A ‘hub and spoke’ model will be implemented, with established farms providing crucial resources and market access to smaller farmers. This approach ensures a reliable market for farmers’ produce while equipping them with the tools to expand their operations.

To further support the sector, the UK Embassy will collaborate with ZimTrade to facilitate the participation of Zimbabwean SMEs in European trade fairs. This platform will enable businesses to showcase their products to a global audience and secure export opportunities.

The new project builds upon the success of the UK Trade Partnerships (UKTP) programme, which has been operating in Zimbabwe since 2019. UKTP supports businesses in taking advantage of preferential trade agreements between Zimbabwe and the UK and EU, enabling duty-free and quota-free market access. CITE


 Vice President General (Rtd) Dr Constantino Chiwenga and his Wife Colonel Miniyothabo Baloyi Chiwenga have been received by French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron at the Presidential Palace in Paris, France ahead of the official opening of 2024 Olympic Games


The State is opposing bail for Harare City Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango and the city’s principal contracts administrator Artwell Mandaza who are now spending this weekend in jail.

Bail ruling was deferred to Tuesday next week. The State is saying the pair are a flight risk and are likely to interfere with witnesses.

“The first accused person is the accounting officer for the City of Harare and is a principal to our witnesses,” said investigating officer, Owen Mutembwa.

He also said Chisango attempted to conceal some of the tender documents.

Mutembwa said the pair were not proper candidates for bail and their release was likely to disturb public order.


A 20-year-old man from Gutu will rue the day jealousy got the best of him and led him to set on fire his competitor s’ thatched gazebo bar at Chisheche Business Centre where his father owns a bar after Gutu magistrate Edwin Marecha sentenced him to 5 years behind bars recently.

Sean Chiname of Chezhira Village, Chief Nyamande, Gutu will serve an effective three years jail term after Marecha suspended one year on condition that he will not commit a similar crime, while the other year was suspended on condition that he restitutes Godfrey Mahuni’s US$9 496 value of lost property.

State facts as presented by Prosecutor Rachel Murape are that on April 2, this year at around 2100hours Sean went to Mahuni’s thatched Gazebo bar club and set it on fire, after which he hid behind a pile of bricks near the gazebo bar to witness it burning.

Progress Chiname and another patron, one Funny who had came out of the bar to relieve themselves saw Sean bolting from behind the the brick pile but did not bother much about him.

After running away, Sean went to Gift Zvenyika who was welding at Maongera Shop and told him that he had set the bar on fire but the fire had just been put off. He went on and promised to completely burn the bar if he manages to get petrol.

At around 2330 hours the same day, Sean went back to the bar and set it on fire again and the fire engulfed and burnt the thatched bar. Nyasha Chizororo a neighbor at the bar was awakened by his partner after he had gone outside to relieve himself and saw the bar burning.

Chizororo then phoned Kudzai Mubaya and told her about the incident. They all went and awakened Enia Madzuto who was asleep at the gazebo butchery. They managed to remove some property from inside the bar and tried to extinguish the fire but all was in vain. The gazebo bar was burnt down to ashes and nothing was recovered. The value of lost property was US$9 946.

The matter was reported to the police leading to Sean’s arrest.

Asked why he committed the offense Sean cited that he did not commit the offense voluntarily but he was not mentally okay and is still mentally unstable. He was ordered to go for medical examination and the results showed that he was mentally stable.

Giving it’s judgement the court then said that he committed the offense knowingly to end the competition since his father also owns a bar at Chisheche and Mahuni’s bar was upscale. The magistrate also added that a jail sentence was suitable to send a message to the community and also give Sean time to reform. TellZimNews



Government has banned the Harare City Council from holding workshops outside the capital, .

Mayor Jacob Mafume broke the news to a full council meeting.  “The government is saying such workshops should be done with the approval of the government. I have asked my staff to comply.

“We are here to protect residents’ affairs in good faith. So we have to comply with the government directive, which is our parent ministry.”

Out of town workshops are largely seen as nothing but allowances grab by officials and councillors.



Two men who allegedly gang raped a drunk woman along with two others have been acquitted by a Bulawayo magistrate.

Lucky Ncube (21) and David Ndlovu appeared before Bulawayo regional magistrate Dambudzo Malunga facing rape charges. They were however, acquitted, while another accused, Musawakhe Mthunzi (21) who was released on bail later died while out of custody.

B Metro reports that the fourth suspect, Ignatius Tshuma is still at large. It was alleged that sometime in July 2021, Ndlovu, Ncube, Musawakhe, and Tshuma were consuming home-brewed beer at Japhet Mthunzi’s residence in Magadla Village, Matobo.

The night continued with beer drinking until around 9pm, when the alleged victim arrived and joined the group. She allegedly drank with the men until she passed out. On the night in question, Ndlovu reportedly left the group and returned to his homestead. The State led evidence alleged that the remaining people slept over at Japhet’s homestead after being provided with blankets.

It was alleged that Ndlovu, however, returned to Japhet’s homestead on the very same night. Upon waking up the next morning, people were shocked to find the woman naked, with “semen” around her private parts. She was also sleeping next to Ndlovu, who had supposedly “left the night” before.

The woman upon waking up reportedly panicked, questioning how she had become naked and asked who had removed her panties and trousers. Ndlovu, who had also woken up naked beside her, allegedly pointed the finger of blame at Tshuma and Musawakhe, allegedly revealing that the duo had taken turns in raping her while she was unconscious during the night. The “truth” only emerged after the elders from the community confronted the suspects over the allegations of the overnight rape. In an attempt to resolve the situation, the accused men offered the woman a cash compensation of US$40 as a way to make amends for their alleged actions. However, the woman refused the offer, insisting instead that she be compensated with a goat.

Tshuma, who was reluctant to offer the goat as compensation, fled the scene and is still at large. The matter was subsequently reported to the police, who arrested Ncube, Ndlovu and Musawakhe in connection with the rape allegations. Musawakhe was subsequently released on bail after appearing in court. He died while out of custody, leaving Ncube and Ndlovu as the suspects in the case.

During their appearance in court recently, the state, however, concluded that the two accused persons were not guilty of the rape charge. During trial, the court took into consideration the untimely death of one of the accused, who had been released on bail. The court also took into consideration the fact that another accused was on the run, making it challenging to locate and bring him to justice. Evidence brought before the court was viewed as not enough to secure a conviction. In addition, both Ndlovu and Ncube vehemently denied the allegations levelled against them, maintaining their innocence throughout. The victim’s request for a goat as compensation for the alleged rape also raised questions about her motives and potential involvement in the alleged crime.

Thursday 25 July 2024


The move by National Railways of Zimbabwe to invest in drones has started paying off after the arrest of four women who were spotted extracting coal along train tracks.

In a post on X, the NRZ said security personnel deployed a drone along the tracks in Msasa, Harare and saw the women picking coal ash thereby vandalising the railway line in the process, which is a serious offence
in terms of Zimbabwean laws.

Coal ash is mostly used to strengthen the rail formation where it passes through a swampy area.

The quartet, Ethel Jonas, Priscilla Mazvarirahafa, Aruna Chimedza and Tatenda Mashingaidze were this week each sentenced to five years in jail after pleading guilty at the Harare Magistrates Courts.

The spate of theft and vandalism of railway infrastructure has become a threat to economic viability while also endangering human lives and crippling bulk commercial cargo movement due to train derailments.

It is against this background that the NRZ has over the years intensified the fight against vandalism through massive equipping of its loss control unit in terms of human resources and acquisition of drones amongst other hi-tech crime detection equipment.-New Ziana.


A former Cotton Company of Zimbabwe Limited manager, Praise Makombore has been charged with stealing Presidential inputs worth US$42 120.

Makombore who managed the Mutoko depot, was facing two counts of theft charges when she appeared before Harare magistrate, Mrs Marehwanazvo Gofa. She was released on US$200 bail.

The Herald reports that the court heard that Makombore who was the custodian of the Presidential inputs connived with Zinhle Ndlovu to steal fertilisers meant for distribution in Mutoko. Makombore allegedly purported to have received instructions to order the release of fertilisers for distribution to farmers.

On August 23 , 2023, Ndlovu instructed Moses Chibanda, a field assistant at Kotwa, to release 1 170 bags X 50kg purporting that she had received the instruction from Makombore. The fertiliser was then collected by two trucks without completing the necessary documentation.

It is alleged that the trucks went to a warehouse in Murehwa where Makombore collected the fertiliser on different occasions.

Makombore’s action prejudiced Cottco of 1 170 bags of fertilizers valued at US$42 120 and nothing was recovered.

On a different count, Makombore planned to conduct business with Cottco at Mutoko Depot between February 2022 to June 2023 without declaring her personal interests.

She contracted vehicles to provide transportation services to Cottco using a transporter named Mutandiro.

It is alleged that Makombore allegedly received payments through her husband’s account.



PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa is rallying behind Team Zimbabwe at the Paris 2024 Olympic games ahead of the official opening slated for this Friday in France.

In a bid to motivate the country’s athletes at this year’s Paris Olympics games, Vice President General (Rtd) Dr Constantino Chiwenga visited the Olympic Village in Paris to interact with Team Zimbabwe ahead of the beginning of the games.

The Vice President was accompanied by Minister of Sport, Arts and Recreation, Dr Kirsty Coventry, among other government officials.

Dr Chiwenga delivered a message from President Mnangagwa to the athletes wishing them success.

“He sends his warm and great greetings to you, and wishes that you all do well in the games in all your fields. You are going to make Zimbabwe great. So, as Team Zimbabwe, you are not only going to concentrate on your own game, or in your own field, in your own sport, but you have to give each other moral support. You have to support each other so that as a team, you will make our country a better place,” he said.

Zimbabwe is represented by seven athletes at the Olympics namely: long-distance runners Isaac Mpofu and Rutendo Nyahora, sprinters Tapiwanashe Makarawu and Makanakaishe Charamba, rower Stephen Cox, and swimmers Denilson Cyprianos and Paige Van der Westuizen.


(NewZWire)Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube has presented his mid-term budget review to Parliament. In his statement, he lays out how much government has spent on roads this year. He has also introduced a set of new measures, including cutting presumptive tax while at the same making it harder for people to dodge tax.

Here are some of the key highlights.

Big road spending

Zimbabwe has spent the equivalent of US$182 million on transport infrastructure in the last six months, well above what had been budgeted for the whole year. The Ministry of Transport spent ZiG4.2 billion in the first six months of the year on infrastructure. Of this, Zig1.4 billion was spent on road projects, including the Beitbridge highway and the Mbudzi interchange. Another ZiG 1.1 billion was spent on the Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme.

The ZiG4.2 billion road spending is the equivalent of US$304 million. When converted to ZiG, the total Transport budget for 2024 was ZiG1.74 billion. According to the budget statement, the Ministry of Transport had spent 224.5% of its annual budget by June. The spending on transport infrastructure is about 11% of the national budget. Government as accelerated road infrastructure construction in Harare ahead of the SADC summit in August. According to the budget statement, Government owes all its service providers about ZiG2.9 billion, equivalent to around US$211 million.

Villas and estates

The budget also reveals that Local Government has spent ZiG795 million – or US$58 million – to fix up summit venues; this includes the construction of villas in Mount Hampden, a project led by European contractor Mabetex. Other spending is on upgrades of HICC, which government owns and leases to RTG. Recently, RTG said the refurbishment would cost US$5 million. Another Zig175 million – or US$12.7 million – has been spent on “estate management”. Local Government also spent ZiG107.4 million – equivalent of US$7.8 million – on a “rapid bus transport system”, but no details are given.

Budget converted to ZiG

Ncube has converted his budget from ZWL to ZiG. The 2024 budget was ZWL$58.2 trillion, while the ZiG budget for the year will now be ZiG87.8 billion. Ncube has used a rate of 662 to convert the budget, which is different from the 2498 used when ZiG was announced in April. By using 662 and not 2498, Ncube has effectively increased the size of his budget.

Expect little economic growth

The economy will grow by just 2%, which is slower than the 3.5% that Ncube had projected in his 2024 budget. The biggest drop is in agriculture, which will shrink by -21%, feeling the impact of a drought that was worse than forecast. Ncube, however, expects the damage to be tempered by an expected growth in wheat output.

How much is government making?

In the six months to June, government collected ZiG36.5 billion and spent ZiG38.9 billion. Spending is 44.2% of the total approved budget. Most of government’s money comes from Value Added Tax. Transaction taxes make up just 3.4% of revenue, showing how dominant the informal market is.


Taxes: Little given

Many had pressed Ncube to cut taxes, especially the IMTT tax on electronic transactions, which businesses say is a damaging cost. However, Ncube has kept the tax. He has made changes to how companies pay taxes when they sell goods in forex and ZiG. If a company’s revenue is over 50% in forex, the company will pay Corporate Income Tax on a 50:50 basis. If the company’s revenue is over 50% in ZiG, tax is payable proportionately in the currency of trade.

Tax on manufacturers

If you are a manufacturer and you distribute your goods directly to wholesalers, retailers and individuals who are not registered for VAT, and have no tax clearance, you will now pay a 5% withholding tax. Ncube says this is necessary to “ensure tax compliance to minimise informalisation”. Manufacturers prefer selling directly to informal traders who pay upfront in USD cash. Formal retailers often offer terms in local currency, because they are held down by government’s exchange rate laws.

Forced: POS machines and bank accounts

If you run a small business, you will soon be forced to use a POS machine and have a bank account. Ncube has proposed that SMEs be forced to use Point-of-Sale machines and have a bank linked to Zimra. “The Ministries responsible for business licensing and registration will, in due course, announce complementary measures to enhance formalisation of Micro and Small Enterprises.”

ZiG Support

Ncube says fees for Government services shall exclusively be payable in local currency, “unless specifically provided otherwise”. The disclaimer indicates services such as passports may remain in forex. Ncube proposed that customs duty be paid in ZiG on goods such as citrus fruit, apple juice, leather and clothing accessories.

Presumptive tax down

Ncube has dropped presumptive taxes on a range of services. For example, a bottle store owner was supposed to pay US$300 per month in presumptive taxes, but now this is down to US$100. A trucker with a 20-ton truck was paying US$3,000 per month, and this is down to US$500. These taxes are to be paid only in ZiG.

No tax, no licence

If you are in the trucking, taxi or kombi business, you will no longer be licensed by ZINARA get vehicle insurance until you submit a ZIMRA tax clearance certificate, and show that you have no outstanding tax.

If you are an “independent professional”, such as a lawyer or an engineer, Ncube says you must be “graduated from Presumptive Tax to Self-Assessment for Corporate Income Tax purposes”. You will now have to submit your tax clearance through your professional body to be allowed to operate. For example, a lawyer will submit their tax clearance to the Law Society of Zimbabwe. This also applies to engineers, architects, doctors, real estate agents and accountants.

Thin tax relief

Ncube has removed VAT on live cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, bovine semen, poultry meat and kapenta. The Bonus Tax-Free threshold is now US$700 or the ZiG equivalent.