Tuesday 28 May 2024


South Africa setting a great example…Over the years, I have closely observed how elections are conducted across the continent. While no institution is  100% perfect, I commend the independence, extent of integrity and level professionalism exhibited  by the @IECSouthAfrica during this election cycle thus far. The standard set has been fantastic especially the transparency, accountability and approachability of the IEC of South Africa.

The political and election environment in South Africa has been a template for integrity and fairness to be emulated by all others elsewhere especially @ZECzim

I’m impressed by how SA conducted the voting process for citizens in the diaspora displaying excellence and global best practice.

Holding credible, unrigged, legitimate and undisputed elections is a key tenet and facet of a New Africa.

The IEC SA has provided an excellent template and source of inspiration giving valuable lessons for election management bodies elsewhere, particularly in Zimbabwe.

State institutions serve as the guardrails and guarantors of functioning and flourishing democracies. Institutions must be free from partisan poison, enclave politics  and partocracy.

They must be free to perform their patriotic and constitutional duties allowing citizens to flourish in functioning democracies.

Well done South Africa! #NewAfrica. He was writing on X


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