Tuesday 2 April 2024


THREE fuel attendants fled for their lives after armed robbers pounced on a service station and stole US$3 786.

Tatenda Masunda (34), Guylord Kwaramba (31), and Tanaka Makurumidze (22) of  Apex Service Station, Chinhamo, along Seke Road, ran for cover.

Harare provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, confirmed the case and said investigations were in progress.

“Circumstances are that on Friday, at around 2.30am, one of the fuel attendants was asleep in his motor vehicle parked at the service station.

“He was awakened by a banging sound, peeped through the window and saw two men wearing face masks trying to open his door.

“He then pressed the panic button before he drove to a base to seek assistance.

“The second fuel attendant was also asleep in his motor vehicle, parked at the service station, when he heard the noise and drove to the same base.”

Insp Chakanza added: “While on their way to the base, they saw another man holding a shotgun standing under a tree.

“The third fuel attendant was asleep in the office when he heard the noise, a door being banged.

“He escaped through another exit point and ran towards the same base.

“The armed robbers used a bolt cutter to cut the screen door and gained entry into the office.

“They used explosives to blow the safe and stole cash amounting to US$3 786,” said Insp Chakanza. H Metro


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