Wednesday 7 February 2024


A SELF-STYLED prophet is on the run for allegedly sodomising two 12-year-old boys at his shrine in Hatfield.

Madzibaba Jalel Munondinzwei (22), of Johanne Masowe yeMuchinjikwa, was alleged to have sodomised his two aides known as ‘vasondosi’ at his shrine along Chiremba Road.

Harare provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, said they were appealing for information to help them arrest Madzibaba Munondinzwei.

“On December 23, 2023, Madzibaba was reported to have taken two boys aged 12 to his shrine.

“Madzibaba showed the two minors a pornographic video at the shrine during the night.

“At around 3am, Madzibaba was reported to have sodomised one of the boys and later the other one in a tent.

“The two boys reported the matter to Madzibaba’s assistant and their mother and a police report was lodged,” said Insp Chakanza.

Sources said Madzibaba Munondinzwei relocated to Marondera where he was spotted conducting prayers.

One resident tipped off the police and was arrested.

Sources said Madzibaba escaped when the arresting officers parked their vehicle to relieve themselves. H Metro 


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