Thursday 6 April 2023


A MAN was shot THREE times in the head, after being attacked by a ruthless gang, which then took his girlfriend hostage before raping her.

The couple were sitting in a car along Lomagundi Road when they were attacked.

One of the suspects, who also has pending armed robbery and attempted murder charges, appeared in court yesterday facing fresh murder, robbery and rape charges.

Tapiwa Mbirimi appeared before magistrate, Stanford Mambanje, who remanded him in custody to May 15, pending finalisation of investigations.

The court heard that on November 19, last year, Mbirimi, together with his accomplice only known as Archford, confronted the now deceased Tendai Kandendu.

He was in the company of his girlfriend and they were sitting in their parked vehicle along Lomagundi Road in Harare.

Mbirimi was armed with a pistol while his accomplice had a knife.

They attacked the couple, demanding money.

Kandendu fought back and reached for his gun, which was in the car.

Mbirimi and Archford wrestled Kandendu and took his gun and shot him THREE times in the head, killing him instantly.

They then took Kandendu’s girlfriend hostage and stole the couple’s phones and US$300.

Mbirimi dragged the girl to a nearby bush and raped her.

He then told her to seek assistance from a nearby house before disappearing into the darkness.

Lancelot Mutsokoti appeared for the State. H Metro


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