Tuesday 28 February 2023


The Medical Professional and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe has called for the intervention of responsible authorities in the plight of workers at QV Pharmaceuticals who have gone over two years without pay.

The union’s secretary-general, Tecla Barangwe, told H-Metro that she was pleading with authorities to help because QV Pharmaceuticals’ employees were struggling.

“It’s very sad that today marks two years for QV Pharmaceuticals employees going without pay. They are receiving as little as US$10 per month for transport, but those employees have families to take care of,” she said.

Some QV workers said they feel neglected because no one seems to care about their plight.

“We have tried to visit different ministries looking for help, but nothing has worked so far. We now don’t even know what to do or who to go to for help. We don’t know what’s going on with our company,” said one worker.

Another worker said: “We understand the issue of ownership of the company is before the courts, but as employees, we think we have suffered enough. How do they expect us to survive without being paid. Honestly speaking what is US$10 that they are giving us as transport money. It’s not even enough.”

QV Pharmaceuticals is a subsidiary of CAPS Holdings, which is one of the biggest drug manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe. A comment from QV could not be obtained last night. H Metro


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