Wednesday 28 September 2022


LANDS, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Minister Dr Anxious Masuka has called for the eradication of social ills that affect women at workplaces.

He made the remarks at a dialogue organised by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on sexual and gender-based violence in the workplace.

In a speech read on his behalf by Surveyor General Edwin Guvaza, the Minister said women were generally marginalised.

“Employees are urged to report any form of abuse at their workplaces without any fear.

“Sexual harassment may occur in many set-ups and I am pleased with the collective efforts by ILO to create a pleasant and conducive workplace.

“Such a reform to our national labour law is pivotal in the realisation of the country’s leading blueprint Vision 2030 mantra ‘Towards a Prosperous & Empowered Upper Middle-Income Society by 2030.’

“The blueprint goes beyond food security and livelihoods improvement to socioeconomic upliftment.”

He said a safe environment should be created for women to exercise their rights to work.

“Women are mostly marginalised as prostitutes at work, especially if they wear tight clothes.

“Work should be a friendly place where people can talk, laugh and be free from violence and sexual harassment.”

Ida Tsitsi Chimedza, from the ILO, demonstrated the importance of reporting any form of abuse or harassment at work for a good and healthy working environment.

“The norm that management protects management must end.

“Don’t fear to report, especially younger women.

“Women can be both victims and perpetrators even though women occupy the low level of the company. The higher you go, the fewer women you find.” H Metro


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