Wednesday 28 September 2022


A HARARE man was left shell-shocked by his wife’s accusations of abuse.

Magistrate Rutendo Machingura dismissed Faith Vhuruzi’s application for a protection order against her husband, Moses Nyapokoto.

She claimed he locked her inside the house and gave her a bucket to relieve herself.

The house only has an external toilet.

“My husband used to lock me in the house and give me a bucket to relieve myself,” she said.

“Sometimes, he wouldn’t give me food for days.

“I ended up running away from home, and my husband doesn’t know where I am currently staying.

“He is looking for me and I am scared that he is going to assault me. I am no longer interested in the marriage. He should move on.”

Moses said Faith had a spiritual problem.

“On 28 August, when I returned home from work, I found out that she had left with our furniture.

“The problem is spiritual because she is forever accusing me of abusing her.

“I was once arrested after she told people that I wanted to kill her.

“She behaves strangely all night and when I asked what was wrong, she told me that she gets possessed by a spirit,” said Moses.

Magistrate Machingura found Faith’s testimony unconvincing. H Metro


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