Wednesday 28 September 2022


ECONOMIC Empowerment Group boss Mike Chimombe, did not show any emotions as he appeared in court yesterday facing fraud charges.

The Harare businessman, wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt and matching trousers, appeared calm.

He was released on $50 000 bail and remanded to October 26. The State, represented by Pardon Dziva, didn’t oppose bail as Chimombe’s suspected accomplices, who also appeared in court, were released on bail.

The court heard that Chimombe allegedly connived with Hermish Katsande and Steven Chimombe to defraud Brian Marungamise.

The trio allegedly misrepresented that they were the owners of a residential stand number 8 000, Remainder of Lot 12 Tynwald Township in Harare, measuring 558 square metres, and that it was for sale.

Marungamise reportedly paid US$16 900 for the stand, which was not owned by any of them. Two attempts to offer a replacement stand failed as they too were aleady owned. H Metro


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