Friday, 20 September 2024


People living in informal settlements have now been told by the Government to go through an application process to get title deeds.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa promised to dole out the documents ahead of last year’s August elections in what was seen as a campaign gimmick. Cabinet endorsed the Kwangu/Ngakwami Presidential Title Deeds Programme Consortium as part of the initiative.

Mnangagwa, however, only handed out 265 securitised title deeds to selected Epworth residents.

But Newsday reports that Housing and Social Amenities minister Zhemu Soda was singing a different tune on Wednesday in Parliament when lawmakers demanded answers on the matter. Soda acknowledged delays in the issuance of the title deeds alleging there are many processes involved.

He said a task force comprising various ministries, including Local Government and National Housing, Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement, Information as well as Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs ministries will now oversee the process.

He also said government is collaborating with the private sector, specifically the Kwangu Trust on the exercise.

“So, the Kwangu Trust, I believe in Epworth where the programme was launched, now have a site office, whereby people who want to get title deeds go there and submit their applications,” Soda said.


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