Tuesday 21 May 2024


A Harare man has been arrested after he allegedly raped his girlfriend in his car, Police have said. But the victim was initially blocked by her mother from reporting the case to the police because the family was in good books with the suspect’s mother. The victim reported the case behind her mother’s back.

Kudakwashe Charoka (36) of Glenclover Road in Highlands,allegedly raped his girlfriend (35) who was on her way from an evening church service. Harare provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, told H-Metro: “Police arrested a Highlands man for raping his girlfriend, aged 35. Circumstances are that the accused is the complainant’s boyfriend.

“The complainant was on her way from church at around 6pm with her church mate when the accused person called and offered to come and pick her up with his vehicle.

“The accused person came and took the complainant and he advised her that they were going to his house and later on accompany the complainant to her house since they live in the same neighbourhood.

“As soon as they got to accused’s house, the accused locked the car doors before he jumped to the back-seat where the complainant was seated and raped her once.

“After the act, the accused accompanied the complainant home and she told her mother, but the mother blocked her from reporting the matter.

“She later decided to report the case, behind her mother’s back, leading to the accused person’s arrest.


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