Thursday 16 May 2024


THE Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary affairs that was in Bindura last Monday for hearings on the Death Penalty Abolition Bill heard a different side to the debate.

Those who attended the hearing at Tendai Community Hall in Chipadze demanded that the death penalty be effected on parliamentarians, public office heads and ministers who loot national resources for self agrandisement.

Speaker after speaker said the removal of the death penalty would actually perpetuate dangerous crimes, with criminals knowing they would not be hanged.

The hearings started on Monday across nine provinces, including in Mashonaland Central.

The Death Penalty Abolition Bill was gazetted last year.

The Bill is set to amend the Criminal Law Code and the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act.

It was brought to Parliament by Dzivarasekwa legislator, Edwin Mushoriwa, as a private member’s Bill.

Other towns that held the hearings last week were Kadoma, Gweru, Bulawayo, Lupane, Filabusi, Harare, Marondera, Mutare and Masvingo.

“The hearings aim to engage stakeholders, gather perspectives and guide potential legal reforms regarding three Bills currently before Parliament.”

In February, Cabinet approved the principles to the Bill that seek to abolish capital punishment, which is expected to make its passage in Parliament smooth. NEW ZIANA


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