Thursday 14 March 2024


A MAN killed a three-year-old child in a bushy area before throwing the body into a river in what is suspected to have been a brutal ritual murder.

The incident occurred in Chemowa area in Zhombe on Monday night.

Midlands provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko, confirmed the incident.

“I can confirm the arrest of a suspect in connection with the murder of the toddler whose body was dumped in the river.

“Investigations are in progress,” he said.

Sources have told H-Metro that Steady Munda, the man accused of killing the child, is implicating a local businessman.

“Steady was in the company of Caston (Mucheuki) and they boarded a commuter omnibus heading to a school (Chemowa Primary School) where they intended to repair some windows.

“The kombi which the two boarded got stuck in the sand near a river.

“The driver instructed the passengers to disembark so that he could fix the problem.

“It is that time that Steady disappeared and Caston, upon realising that his colleague was missing, started conducting a search.”

Added the sources: “Caston was in the company of other male passengers when they started searching for him.

“They came across a group of crying children who informed them that a strange man (Steady) had run off with a toddler.

“He was then found on the other side of the river just after disposing of the body in water.”

Another source said; “The public caught Steady and started questioning him.

“He then implicated someone named, Tambu, whom he accused of having sent him (to murder the child).

“Steady is currently in police custody at ZRP Gokwe.”

In a video circulating, Steady is seen lying on the ground with his hands tied at the back.

“The kids were playing under a tree, he then killed the child and threw the body into the water.

“He seems to have strangled the child.

“The suspect was beaten thoroughly that he is not even talking after the beating.”


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