Friday 2 February 2024


A VILE man who allegedly threatened to kill a minor before ordering her to strip naked and twerk for him has appeared before Bulawayo regional magistrate.

Sydney Sibanda (22) from Insuza in Matabeleland North Province appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Collet Ncube facing a criminal insult charge and pleaded not guilty.

Sibanda was remanded in custody to 8 February for commencement of trial. He was also advised to apply for bail at the High Court.

It is alleged that on 26 November last year a 15-year-old girl dismissed from school, while she was on her way home she realised that she had left her lunch box at school and that forced her to return to the school to fetch it. She met Sibanda who was wielding an axe and reportedly accused her of spreading rumours that he is a rapist. He ordered her to remove her clothes but she refused.

The court heard Sibanda slapped her on the face and threatened to chop her into pieces.

Gripped with fear, the girl stripped naked, and Sibanda forced her to twerk and gyrate before him.

The court heard that during the sickening act, Sibanda heard voices of people approaching the scene and he fled.

Shortly, some villagers arrived at the scene and found her in the process of wearing her school uniform. She narrated her ordeal to them before she reported the incident to the police leading to Sibanda’s arrest. B Metro


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