Friday 12 January 2024


LANDS, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development Minister, Dr Anxious Masuka has assured the white commercial farmers availed offer letters and allocated land on the same grounds as everyone else, that they had Government’s full support as he warned would-be land grabbers to keep their hands off these properties.

Dr Masuka’s assurance buttresses the Second Republic’s commitment to accommodate and avail land to Zimbabweans regardless of race.

He was speaking at Mr Luke Mutimutema’s homestead in Hurungwe’s Ward 10 during his tour of the provincial communal and commercial farming areas to asses the crop situation. The province which was given 360 000-hectare maize target, has so far planted 230 000 hectares with plans to beat the 15 January planting deadline expected to push the area further.

Said Minister Masuka: “The land reform is irreversible as this was the reason for going to war. The white farmers who were given offer letters and currently occupying land are those who supported the movement. Let me hasten to say that they shouldn’t be disturbed and they have government’s full support.”

He warned those dreaming of occupying white-owned farms and other state land to desist from the act.

The long arm of the law, he added, was going to catch up with land barons.

“The only person who offers land in Zimbabwe is the President and those that have since taken over his role to allocate and occupy land, should desist henceforth. Police have been empowered to arrest these people,” he said calling on those interested in acquiring land to register with his ministry. Dr Masuka encouraged people to venture into partnerships that have proved to present a win-win situation for the farm owners and those investing.

He singled out a crop of young farmers from Makonde and Zvimba district that despite owning limited land space have done above 1 000 hectares annually.

The young farmers club that includes the likes of Mike Mutasa, Tichaona Mafoche and Farai Chirinda has put at least 3 000 hectares under maize and sorghum while Kudzai Mhandu boasts of at least 35 000 broiler chickens.

Addressing the same gathering, Mashonaland West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Marian Chombo took time to warn beneficiaries of various government inputs schemes to desist from selling farming inputs.

“We now have a challenge where some of the beneficiaries are now selling the inputs acquired through government schemes on the black market. This is affecting the vision of the President of ensuring that the nation is food self-sufficient,” she said.

She added that the province was ready to meet its grain and other crop targets.

Agriculture and Rural Development Advisory Services (ARDAS) Mashonaland West director Mrs Evelyn Ndoro said while the delayed rainfall had affected the planting pattern, the province was working to achieve its target.

Like most farmers under Village Head Kambamura, Mr Mutimutema is expected a bumper harvest this year out of the nine plots under Pfumvudza maize.

Since embracing climate-proof agriculture five years ago, the Mutimutema family has managed to increase its yield output on the half-a-hectare area to five tonnes from at most one tonne. Herald


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