A MWENEZI single mother is on cloud nine after her son scooped 30 points at Advanced Level.
Memory Muzvidziwa could not hide her elation after
Shingirirayi Hatirarami (18) passed with flying colours at Pamushana Secondary
Shingirirayi scored six As in Additional Mathematics,
Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics in the
2023 Zimbabwe School Examination Council sitting.
Speaking to H-Metro, Memory said: “I can’t thank God enough
for this new milestone in my life,” said Memory, who is a vendor at Neshuro
Growth Point.
“My son makes me proud all the time because of his
“He is my source of hope and comfort considering the way I
raised him as a vendor.
“I did the best I could to ensure that I sent him to school
and today I am proud of what he has done for us.
“My son is reserved and he used to spend much of his time
studying or on his computer searching for new stuff and inventions.”
She added: “At the moment, we are struggling to make ends
meet and we welcome sponsors who are willing to help us foot his college fees.
“Like any other young man, we want him to realise his dream
by studying a programme of his choice.
“We don’t want his dreams to be shattered due to lack of
The whizkid was ecstatic after he emerged as the overall
best student at Pamushana Secondary School.
“I worked hard for this and I’m looking forward to starting
my studies at university.
“I want to study either Aerospace Engineering or Actuarial
Science to fulfil my dream.
“It was not easy for me since I did Additional Mathematics
and Statistics on my own.
“It was more of correspondence but I got help from some of
my teachers to ensure that I catch up with others.
“I had a special timetable, which I designed for myself, to
ensure I study well.”
His uncle, Clemence Muzvidziwa, said Shingirirayi was a
genius. H Metro
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