Tuesday 9 January 2024


TRAFFIC police are on alert and will ensure reckless drivers that flout traffic rules and regulations are not only prosecuted but are removed from the country’s roads, a Cabinet Minister has said.

Transport and Infrastructural Development Minister, Felix Mhona said that enhancing public safety was fundamental to the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1), which seeks to reduce the road accidents and fatalities by 25 percent annually.

He said Government will therefore not allow the achievement of this goal to be derailed by recklessness on the country’s highways.

Minister Mhona said this yesterday as he expressed shock over a video circulating on social media, which captured reckless driving involving a cross-border bus operator, Mzansi Express and a haulage truck carrying highly inflammable gas and other motorists.

He has since directed that the driver of the bus be prosecuted.

“This video clearly shows traffic law violations and actions that breach Sections 51, 52 and 53 of the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11], which prohibit driving without due care and attention or reasonable consideration for others, negligent or dangerous driving and reckless driving,” said Minister Mhona.

This comes at a time when 87 people died and 424 were injured in road traffic accidents between 15 and  26 December 2023.

“The nation cannot afford to continue experiencing these increased road fatalities caused by recklessness and negligence by Public Service Vehicle (PSV) drivers. Informed by the foregoing violations and verified videographic evidence, the Ministry will ensure that the driver of the cross-border bus is prosecuted,” said Minister Mhona.

He said he had directed that the provisions of the law be implemented dutifully, consistently and religiously with the view to tame the negligence and recklessness by some drivers.

Minister Mhona said the Government promulgated Statutory Instrument 118 of 2023, which made it mandatory for operators of public service vehicles to install speed limiting and monitoring devices as this will go a long way in regulating speeding by drivers and protect commuters and other road users in line with targets contained in the National Development Strategy.

“Pursuant to this, I wish to reiterate and warn all transport operators, associations, motorists and members of the public that the Ministry will take stern measures provided by our laws against those who wantonly and blatantly violate road traffic rules and regulations,” he said.

Minister Mhona said the safety and security of all road users cannot be taken for granted.

“We will not hesitate to suspend and cancel licenses of drivers and operators who violate traffic rules and regulations. We urge all road traffic law enforcement agencies to be on alert to enforce the road traffic laws and ensure that non-compliant drivers and vehicles do not ply our roads,” he said. Chronicle


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