Saturday 16 December 2023


ZANU PF yesterday approved the final list of candidates who will represent the ruling party during the February 3 by-elections after winning last Wednesday’s primary elections.

The revolutionary party’s national political commissar, Dr Mike Bimha, announced the list during a press conference in Harare yesterday.

“I am happy that the (then) Acting President (VP Chiwenga) has approved the candidates to represent ZANU PF in the February 3, 2024 by-elections.

“We want the provinces to make sure that the candidates process their papers between today and tomorrow, so that on Monday, they file them at the Nomination Court,” said Dr Bimha. “We have put in place a robust campaign programme up to the time we hold the by-elections.”

The successful candidates are: Cdes Joe Tshuma (Pelandaba-Tshabalala); Washington Zhanda (Goromonzi West); Munyaradzi Tobias Kashambe (Seke); Wellington Shakemore Timburwa (Chegutu West); Kudakwashe Mananzva (Zvimba East); and Edgar Ncube (Mkoba North).

Dr Bimha applauded party members for participating in the primary elections in huge numbers.

“We also want to thank all the candidates who came up to participate,” he said.

“They may have not made it, but they have to remember that there is no loser or winner.

“These were just internal processes to choose the best candidate to participate in the forthcoming by-elections.”

Cde Bimha urged those who lost the primaries to help the winners during their campaigns.

“So, what we want is for the party to win, not individuals,” he continued.

“I urge them to rally behind the winning candidates and make sure that ZANU PF wins.

“Of course, we are going to win, but we want to win emphatically.”

He thanked the party’s secretariat for organising the primary polls and wished all the candidates success at the Nomination Court.

“We are going full throttle to campaign for these candidates.

“February is too near because we have holidays; but we will make sure we also campaign for the party during the holiday period.”

The by-elections were precipitated by recalls of CCC legislators. Sunday Mail


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