Recalled former CCC MP for Mabvuku-Tafara constituency, Munyaradzi Febion Kufahakutizwi, appeared in court yesterday facing separate charges of malicious damage to property and assault after he allegedly damaged a vehicle in Mabvuku and assaulted a Zanu PF member at a funeral.
Kufahakutizwi, who was represented by lawyer Mr Garikayi
Mhishi, was remanded out of custody to January 23 by magistrate Mrs Ethel
The State alleged that on November 21, Mr Patrick Chitemba
authorised Pastors in Action 4ED national administration officer Mr Douglas
Matadi to use his Toyota Hiace to campaign for last weekend’s by-elections for
the Zanu PF National Assembly candidate for Mabvuku-Tafara constituency, Cde
Pedzai Sakupwanya.
Mabvuku-Tafara constituency eventually didn’t hold
by-elections after the High Court barred Kufahakutizwi from contesting since he
had been recalled, leaving no other candidate than Cde Sakupwanya who was
declared elected without a poll.
But on November 21 at around 1pm, while Mr Chitemba and his
colleagues were parked at Kamunhu Shopping Centre in Mabvuku, Kufahakutizwi and
his accomplices, who are still at large, approached him while driving a yellow
and black Toyota Baby Quantum.
They then blocked Mr Chitemba’s vehicle.
Four unknown men disembarked from Kufahakutizwi’s vehicle
and forced open Mr Chitemba’s vehicle doors and demanded to see Morgan
Kufahakutizwi, who was allegedly seated at the back of the
Toyota Hiace, instructed his accomplices to damage Mr Chitemba’s vehicle.
It is alleged Kufahakutizwi said: “Aya mapastors for ED
ngavazive zvevhangeri chete, pwanyai mota iyoyo.”
Kufahakutizwi’s accomplices then hit the vehicle’s rear
passenger window using wooden sticks, causing it to collapse, and they drove
The total value of damage inflicted on the vehicle is
On the charge of assault, the State alleged that on
November 18 at around 2pm in Mabvuku, there was a funeral opposite where Mr
Michael Nyasulu lived.
There was a huge crowd of mourners who had gathered to
attend the funeral and some mourners sat in Mr Nyasulu’s garden, causing damage
to it.
He then asked the mourners to move away from his garden,
and an altercation arose.
The court heard Mr Nyasulu then went to a beer hall nearby
and when he returned to his house, an unknown person at the funeral noticed
that he was wearing a Zanu PF cap.
Kufahakutizwi then approached Mr Nyasulu and grabbed him by
the collar and punched him, claiming he had thrown stones at the mourners.
Mr Nyasulu then ran away and was rescued by his brother Mr
William Nyasulu.
He then went to ZRP Mabvuku and made a report, leading to
Kufahakutizwi’s arrest. Herald
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