Monday 27 November 2023


The woman who left her husband’s girlfriend’s left eye permanently damaged has been sentenced to an effective eight-months in jail.

Harare Magistrate Mr Simon Kandiyero initially sentenced Mellisa Mhishi (23) who is the legally married wife to 12 months-imprisonment.

He suspended four months on condition that she does not commit a similar offence within the next five years.

The complainant in the matter is Ngonidzashe Kureva (18) who was assaulted by a broken bottle which left her with one functioning eye.

It emerged during the trial that the incident occurred at the residence of the accused husband’s brother where the two lovebirds would frequently meet.

In aggravation, the prosecutor Ms Faith Mavhudzi submitted that even though the complainant was dating her husband, Mhishi had no right to take the law into her own hands.

Rather she should have approached the courts and sued Kureva for damages adding that no compensation was paid by Mhishi to the complainant for the injuries she sustained. Herald



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