Thursday 23 November 2023


A CITY neurologist questioned the credentials of another senior specialist physician and supervisor who he claimed had “NEVER SEEN THE ENTRANCE OF A NEUROLOGY TRAINING CENTRE.”

The row has now spilled into court. Dr Lennon Gwaunza claimed Dr Andrew Matarutse was masquerading as a specialist physician.

Dr Matarutse runs a surgery in Milton Park.

He practices clinical neurology and internal medicine with a special assignment to supervise doctors at Parirenyatwa Hospital.

The cyber bulling and harassment case is now being heard by Harare magistrate Apolonia Marutya.

Dr Gwaunza was granted US$100 bail yesterday.

He was ordered not to circulate any information related to Dr Andrew Matarutse, or his qualifications.

He will be back in court on January 22 for routine remand.

Dr Gwaunza is accused of sending an e-mail to the Medical and Dental Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe (MDPCZ), in which he claimed Dr. Mataruse never saw “the entrance of a neurology training centre.

The court heard that on February 13, 2020, at around 6.13pm, Dr Gwaunza unlawfully and intentionally generated a data message using his email address, [email protected] to the following effect.

“I was volunteering at Pari and I have from immediate effect relinquished that role so I will be unable to supervise Dr Mushawarimwa.

“Secondly, Dr Mushawarimwa is a fully fledged neurologist who doesn’t need to be supervised by myself or by Dr Mataruse who isn’t a clinically trained neurologist.

“However, Council feels it’s in Dr. Mushawarimwa’s interest that he is supervised by someone who has never seen the entrance of a neurology training centre.

“Please by all means, go ahead.

“I will not be involved in that circus,” reads the email.

Allegations by the State point that Dr Gwaunza intended to humiliate and cause emotional distress when he shared the information with MDCPZ administrator, Julian Mashingaidze, and Josephine Mwatukuya (former registrar), among other recipients.

It is the State’s case that despite previous warnings to desist from circulating the rumours, Dr Gwaunza had a criminal intent to harass Dr Matarutse into stopping from practicing clinical neurology at his surgery in Milton Park.

The e-mail also branded Dr Matarutse a fraud, who is not worth the status in which he holds himself as a specialist physician in clinical neurology. H Metro


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