Friday 17 November 2023


Justice Webster Nicholas Chinamora has resigned from the bench.

The resignation of Justice Chinamora comes after President Mnangagwa set up a tribunal to investigate the judge’s suitability to hold office following the compilation of a damning dossier by the Judicial Service Commission alleging a litany of transgressions by the judge in the course of his duties.

Judicial Service Commission secretary Mr Walter Chikwana has confirmed the resignation of the judge.

“I confirm that Justice Chinamora has resigned,” he said

“He has tendered his resignation letter to the appointing authority and we have forwarded it to His Excellency President Mnangagwa, the apointing authority.”

The President set up the tribunal on the recommendation of the JSC which found that Justice Chinamora could have engaged in gross misconduct, interfered in the course of justice and presided over matters in which he had a direct conflict of interest.

Retired judge Justice Ahmed Moosa Ebrahim had been appointed chair of the tribunal instead of another retired judge Justice Moses Chinhengo. Herald


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