Tuesday 28 November 2023


A suspected robber was shot dead by a security guard after he attempted to steal mining equipment at Sharewood Farm in Shurugwi.

His three accomplices escaped.

Justo Sibanda (67) of Sherwood appeared before Shurugwi Magistrate Sithabile Zungula facing murder charges. Sibanda is represented by Abiata Mugari of Pamacheche, Gundu and Dube Legal Practitioners.

Prosecutor Pride Gomera said on November 3, 2023 at 11pm, the accused was approached by the deceased and his colleagues who intended to rob him. They tried force the door open while the accused who was inside pushed it back. The accused pushed back the door twice then he took his riffle and fired at the door. The bullet penetrated through the door and hit the deceased on the armpit.

The deceased and his colleagues ran away. The deceased was found dead about 300 meters away from the cabin where he was shot. The accused was remanded in custody.

Police is carrying investigations to find the other three suspects. Masvingo Mirror 


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