Thursday 2 November 2023


A HEADLANDS commercial farmer allegedly physically assaulted his employee before setting a vicious dog on him.

Sean Minter of Hunyani Estates is facing one count of assaulting his employee, Isaac Mareko (36), and another charge of unleashing his ferocious dog on the defenceless Mareko, thereby contravening Section of 46(2) (r) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act.

Minter pleaded not guilty to both counts when he appeared before Rusape magistrate, Mrs Patience Chirimo.

Prosecutor, Mr Takunda Muzenda said Minter and Mareko had a work related dispute and Minter allegedly became violent.

“On April 20, the accused person proceeded to the farm compound to resolve a work related dispute between him and Mareko. Upon arrival, Minter had a misunderstanding over a radio with Mareko. Minter held Mareko by the collar tightly. He also grabbed him by the neck using his arm and stepped on his right leg toe.

“Minter also set his dog on Mareko and it bit him on the right thigh. Mareko sustained injuries in form of dog bites on his right thigh. He was medically examined and the medical report can be produced in court,” said Mr Muzenda.

Mrs Chirimo adjourned the matter to November 8 for judgement. Manica Post



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