Thursday 12 October 2023


A WOMAN, who was caught cheating, has been fighting with her husband over the ownership of a residential stand following their separation.

Nyasha Kusemwa and her husband, Ngoni Kasinamunda, appeared before Chief Chinamhora on Sunday in  connection with a row over the ownership of the stand in Gukwe Village , Domboshava.

Ngoni argued that Nyasha needed to leave the property, as she had cheated on him.

Nyasha admitted to the infidelity, but said they had settled the issue and a DNA test had revealed that their first-born was not Ngoni’s child.

“Nyasha bedded another man while we were living in South Africa and I came across their love messages,” said Ngoni.

“We agreed to return home and settle our issues, but now she does not want to leave the place.

“I had forgiven her, but we later agreed to take our children for DNA paternity tests and the first-born came out negative,” said Ngoni.

Nyasha told the chief’s court that Ngoni was the one who wasn’t coming home, so he had to leave since he had lost affection for her.

“It is true that I cheated, but we settled the issue and the DNA tests showed that our first-born is not his.

“May the court help us deal with the piece of land we acquired together,” said Nyasha.

Chief Chinamhora ordered the couple to register the stand in the name of their first-born child.

He also urged Ngoni to forgive Nyasha and to consider that everything they acquired together was for their children.

“We work for our children and what you acquired together is for all of your children, including the one who tested negative,” said Chief Chinamhora.

“The piece of land you acquired together must be registered under your kraal head in the name of the first-born benefiting all your children.

“If you no longer love Nyasha, bring a token of divorce or send one of your representatives with the token,” he said. H Metro


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