Thursday 21 September 2023


TWO people lost thousands of dollars to a fraudster who masqueraded as an agent who could facilitate their movement to China as English teachers.

Tonderai Nyamhuno appeared before magistrate Dennis Mangosi on fraud charges.

The court heard that in June,  — Tendai Victoria Sithole and Tanyaradzwa Sithole — looked for job vacancies online and came across an article on Facebook advertising English teaching vacancies in China.

The article had a WeChat ID.

Tendai logged into the WeChat ID and started chatting with Nyamhuno, who pretended to be Luxian Xing Zhou.

Nyamhuno referred them to another impostor, Takudzwa Mapfumo, who he said was in Zimbabwe and had applied for a teaching vacancy in China.

They started chatting with the said Mapfumo, who confirmed having been assisted by Xing Zhou to travel to China.

Tendai and Tanyaradzwa paid US$4 835, but found out that they had been duped after Nyamhuno became evasive and sent a Shona message by mistake. H Metro


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