Wednesday 28 June 2023


Zimbabwe Socio Economic Democrats (ZSD) party President Nkosikhona Ndlovu has said politics was now the highest paying job in the country as evidenced by internal squabbles in the ruling party and some opposition outfits.

The Gweru based political party president said the ruling party and other opposition parties were being driven by internal power squabbles which show that the 2023 elections were characterised by greedy politicians who are after self-enrichment.

“The most attractive and high paying employment in Zimbabwe right now is Politics. The system is corrupt, has promoted politics of personalities and self-enrichment. This is why we see that currently the ruling party and opposition parties are infested with internal power squabbles, double candidature and toxic politics of Pasi Nanhingi and Bhora Musango as they all try to get in political positions,” said Ndlovu.

He said in Zanu PF many were after free vehicles, fuel coupons, stands, and government loans among other benefits that are not beneficial to the public.

“2023 elections is jam-packed with many aspirants wanting to feed from the fat cookie jar under Zanu PF where they get free benefits like vehicles, free land, housing stands, government loans and fuel coupons.

“Once again, in the next 5 years we will see more of career politicians than servitude Leaders and zero progress both in local government and in parliament,” said Ndlovu.

He said the general populace were the losers in the game as they will continue to suffer for the next five years if they don’t vote wisely.

“Unfortunately our citizens are the biggest losers, many lives in the next 5years will be destroyed. Citizens will continue to suffer under the prevailing harsh economic environment.

Without political, judicial, military, governance and economic Reforms, Zimbabwe will continuously be on destructive trajectory,” he said

He further said his party which was formed in 2018 was not going to be involved in this year’s election.

Meanwhile, in the Midlands capital’s three constituencies, battle lines have already been drawn mainly between Zanu PF and CCC.

Candidates are eyeing Gweru Urban constituency with former Mayor Josiah Makombe representing CCC and Alex Mkwembi will be representing ZANU PF and the sitting MPBrian Dube will be representing his party MDC-T.

In Mkoba South Zanu PF has Wellington Magura while John Kuka will be representing CCC, William Gondo of ZANU PF will battle Amos Chibaya of CCC for Mkoba North.

In ward Ward 1 the battle will be between Zanu PF’s Kasiyapasi R, and Keta T of CCC and in ward 2, Zanu PF’s Mudekwa I is contesting against I Mutukwa of CCC.

Chiredzi Town Council race

Ward 3 has 2 candidates, Utonga A of Zanu PF and CCC’s F Phiri while Mutemeri S of Zanu PF has gone uncontested in ward 4.

In ward 5 Zanu PF T Mago will be contesting against T Kurerwa of CCC, and in ward 6 4 candidates have thrown their nominations namely Mapfumo T and A Mare who are independent as well as T Chitoro and Dube E of Zanu PF and CCC respectively.

3 candidates are vying for ward 7 and Zanu PF will be represented by C Nsingo, CCC will be represented by S Ndlovu and the third candidate is Murindi R who is independent.

In ward 8 Zanu PF has W Muchina while CCC will be represented by I Pasira.

Three candidates are eyeing ward 9 with Zanu PF represented by M Nyashanu and CCC by K Ndlovu while C Makwarimba is contesting as Independent.

Zanu PF and CCC will battle it for ward 10 with A Matayaya and A Banda representing the two parties respectively. TellZimNews


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