Wednesday 28 June 2023


PRESIDENT Mnangagwa yesterday said Zimbabwe remains an independent and sovereign nation and will resist pressure to take sides on countries in conflict.

President Mnangagwa who was addressing a Presidential interface meeting with small to medium scale miners in Gweru said there are machinations by Washington to try and persuade Harare to pick a side in the ongoing conflict between Russian and Ukraine.

He said Russia and Zimbabwe are both victims of United States sanctions and if Harare was to take sides, it will obviously support a fellow victim.

“The American President approached me (Joe Biden) and said look at what has happened, Russia has invaded Ukraine so you must support so and so, don’t talk to Russia, then I said where there is a conflict, we must instead promote dialogue that’s number one. I also said my dear brother Mr Biden, America has sanctions on Russia, America has sanctions on Zimbabwe, the two Zimbabwe and Russia are victims of American sanctions so shall victims of the same sanctions not speak together?” said President Mnangagwa to applause from the crowd.

He said Zimbabwe under the Second Republic is on an engagement drive without seeking to be an enemy to anyone.

“We have to engage and re-engage and what do we mean, we want to engage with any country and any international organisation. Those who disengaged from us for whatever reason, let us re-engage. But what is important we shall remain independent. We can’t then say country X is an enemy to that country so it becomes our enemy also, no,” said the President.

He said Zimbabwe is also applying to be adopted in the G20 countries as it seeks to be part of the global village.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa has implored Zimbabweans to campaign and vote peacefully during the harmonised elections slated for 23 August.

He said the country is one of the most peaceful nations in Africa.

The President said people should go and vote resoundingly for Zanu-PF party as Zimbabwe is on an economic recovery path, thanks to the Second Republic’s developmental and all engaging economic policies.

“Let us all go out in our numbers and vote resoundingly for the ruling Zanu-PF party. There are some who wish us a violent election. We are, however, one of the most peaceful countries on the continent. We are a peaceful country, we are united and democratic,” he said. Herald


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