Friday 23 June 2023


NIGHTCLUB manager, Ronald Ngwenya’s maid yesterday gave a blow-by-blow account of what transpired on the night Ngwenya is alleged to have raped his niece.

Ngwenya is accused of raping his 13-year-old niece on December 9 last year.

Winnet Mugogo (20), who was employed by Ngwenya from September last year to January this year, had gone missing, prompting the case to be postponed on several occasions.

The State managed to secure her attendance, with the help of a private investigator, who was hired by the girl’s father.

The State opened its case by leading evidence from the girl in camera before Winnet took to the stand.

“The complainant came to my room crying during the night and when I asked her why she was crying, she told me that Ngwenya had come into her bedroom and touched her inappropriately,” said Winnet.

“She told me that the first time he came, he covered her with a blanket and went away and when he came back to the room he told her to sleep well then started fondling her breasts.

“She further told me that he lifted her dress and inserted his finger down there.”

She added that the girl told her that she couldn’t scream because he was covering her mouth.

“She also told me that she couldn’t tell her mother because she wouldn’t believe her.”

Winnet said the girl told her that she had seen that it was her uncle because of the light shining from outside the house adjacent to her window.

“The child was shivering when she told me and as soon as I was told, I told the child’s mother,” she said.

Prosecutor Zvikomborero Mupasa asked about Ngwenya’s relationship with his niece, before the alleged rape, and Winnet said it was cordial.

After cross examination by Ngwenya’s lawyers, the State closed its case.

Today, Ngwenya will testify in his defence.

Allegations are that on December 9 at around 1am, the girl woke up and found Ngwenya fondling her private parts and he covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming and then raped her.

He allegedly left her room and returned later, and bumped into his niece going to the toilet.

He is alleged to have dragged her back into her room, threw her on the bed and raped her again.

The child immediately reported the matter to Winnet. H Metro


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