Thursday 2 March 2023


ZIMBABWE only has 16 psychiatrists who are expected to serve more than two million people with mental health problems.

Psychiatrists are reportedly leaving the country due to poor conditions of service and remuneration.

Indications are that mental health problems such as bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety are on the rise due to economic hardships, while stigma associated with mental health problems has been forcing patients to shun professional help.

Addressing a media sensitisation workshop on mental health issues in Harare yesterday, founder and director of Zimbabwe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Zimbabwe OCD Trust) Angelica Mkorongo urged members of the public to desist from stigmatising people suffering from mental health issues.

“We only have 16 psychiatrists in Zimbabwe and a lot of them are leaving for greener pastures. Most people don’t go to these psychiatrics because they are expensive.  So, we have to partner with community rights-based groups in order to promote and protect the rights of people with psycho-social disabilities,” Mkorongo said.

“Right now we are in a mess as a country, there is issue of substance abuse, and gender based violence cases, suicide cases and other issues that are so overwhelming and causing mental health problems. It’s affecting everyone both in rural and urban areas.” Newsday


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