Thursday 2 March 2023


A GLEN View 7 Extension man lost his vehicle at a paid car park in Glen Norah on Monday.

Johanne Sithole, 43, parked his silver Honda Fit AFD 5362 at Chitubu Shopping Centre and locked all doors on Monday evening.

The following day, it was gone.

Harare provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, urged motorists to secure their vehicles saying cases of car theft were on the increase.

“Police are investigating theft of cars where some motorists leave their vehicle engines running while some lose them to armed robbers after offering them a lift. In one of the incidents, on Monday at around 5am, the motorist sent his son, aged 20, to collect the vehicle from the car park.

“The son did not find it and inquired from a security guard manning the car park.

“One of the guards stated that he saw an unidentified person driving the vehicle out of the car park at around 4am and tried in vain to stop him,” said Insp Chakanza.

In another incident, Gilbert Maponga, 35, of Kambuzuma Section 5 parked his unregistered Honda Fit at a car sale, along Simon Mazorodze Road, on Monday.

“He left the keys in the ignition and Hillary Kalombo, 37, of Mbare jumped into the car and drove off. With the help of a colleague, Gilbert gave chase and apprehended him before making a report at Stodart Police Station,” said Insp Chakanza. H Metro


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