Sunday 12 February 2023


One of the country’s top car dealers, Paza Buster (Pvt) Limited and its subsidiaries, that had been blacklisted on suspicion of illegally dealing on the parallel market for foreign currency, has had its suspension lifted.

A number of companies suspected to be channelling their foreign currency allocations from the auction to the parallel market were recently blacklisted by the Government.

The blacklisting followed investigations by the Financial Intelligence Unit, an arm of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

“Please be advised that Treasury has removed Paza Buster Car Sales and Best Car Rental from the list of blacklist published through a Press statement by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development on 9 November, 2022 taking account of payment penalties to the Financial Intelligence Unit and clearance by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority,” said Permanent Secretary for Finance Mr George Guvamatanga in a letter addressed to various Government departments dated January 24, 2023.

Nariox (Pvt) Ltd, New Age Marketers (Pvt) Ltd, Pepwit Investments (Pvt) Ltd, Tirumi Investments (Pvt) Ltd, Mwendo Africa (Pvt) Ltd, Alg World Investments (Pvt) Ltd, Lobmer Investments (Pvt) Ltd, Nisbank Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, Sailgroom Enterprises, Wayvar Investments, Poweride Safaris, Azelion Energy (Pvt) Ltd, Blackdeck (Pvt) Ltd, Redan Coupon (Pvt) Ltd, The Legacy Car Rental, Josam Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd and Construction Warehouse (Pvt) Ltd, are some of the firms blacklisted by the Government. Herald


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