Wednesday 16 November 2022


A Harare man appeared in court yesterday answering to charges of theft of trust property after he allegedly stole a 30-tonne truck of foodstuffs.

Benjamin Muringani appeared before Harare Magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi, who heard that on Sunday, Muringani was given a truckload of 30 tonnes of Mega spaghetti in Mutare, which he was supposed to deliver in Harare.

Muringani then departed Mutare driving the truck which was under a vehicle tracking system.

It is alleged that along the way, he hatched a plan to steal the goods and tampered with the vehicle tracking device.

Instead of driving straight to Harare, Muringani turned into Goromonzi Road, where he unhooked the trailer from the horse.

He then drove the truck horse back into Harare- Mutare highway, where he dumped it near Tarisa Road in Ruwa.

To cover up for the offence, Muringani filed a report of robbery at St Mary’s Police Station. Herald


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