Sunday 13 November 2022


BULAWAYO city councillors have made fresh demands to improve their perks which include fuel coupons, medical aid cover and new Information Communication Technology gadgets.

The councillors have also demanded that funeral cover be extended to their spouses with councillors who die after one term or more in office but were not Alderman being assisted with a three-tier coffin and grave.

The demands are contained in a council confidential report where the councillors also demanded that the local authority moves to implement the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works circular where each councillor was eligible to purchase a residential stand at 40 percent discount. The councillors also made moves to have the stands facility extended to commercial and industrial stands.

“The request was for inclusion in the Municipality of Bulawayo Medical Aid. The proposal had been for a 100 percent contribution by council, however, the medical aid scheme was a contributory scheme and this was in terms of the rules of the scheme. Staff were currently contributing a third towards the medical aid. Councillors could also contribute towards their cover and be free to choose one of the schemes, that is super scheme, standard scheme and hospital and clinic scheme,” reads the report.

On the funeral cover, the councillors requested that the benefits be extended to their spouses.

“Currently, the funeral cover was for the serving councillors only, this included; a grave at Lady Stanley cemetery, monetary contribution of US$1 000 or equivalent, assistance with the programme printing, planning and logistics, venue for service where no preferred place of worship is available and one vehicle to ferry mourners,” reads the report.

Regarding the request for fuel, the councillors had initially requested 20 litres of fuel to cover community work, with management noting that this would need ministerial approval as their current allowances were said to cover the costs.

“The matter was considered and discussion ensued, Councillor Silas Chigora supported the fuel allocation proposal. He felt that 20 litres would not be sufficient to cover the entire month. Instead, he suggested an increase in fuel allocation to 60 litres.

There was a request to replace ICT gadgets (laptops and tablets) within a year but council was currently guided by the ICT policy. If there was need to revise the same because of rapid changes in technology or quality of gadgets, the financial director would bring detailed proposals with justification for the amendment of ICT policy,” reads the report. Sunday News


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