Tuesday 11 October 2022


Police in Mashonaland East are investigating a case where a Mudzi man, Zvikomborero Simende (35) allegedly murdered his wife in cold blood over infidelity issues.

After the gruesome murder of his wife Janet Nyamutsenga (34), Simende allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself on a mango tree, about 20 metres from where he had killed his wife.

The two bodies were discovered by another villager, Simon Simeti.

The matter which occurred recently, was reported to the police, who attended the scene and observed that the wife had a deep cut on her neck, and an axe stained with blood was left nearby the deceased’s body.

“Simon Simeti reported the matter to the police at Suswe police base.  It is alleged that Simende and his wife had a misunderstanding over infidelity.  During investigations, the police observed that Janet Nyamutsenga was lying in a pool of blood with a deep cut on her neck.

“Zvikomborero Simende had blood stains on his shoulders and had no injuries. This prompted some suspicions that Simende hanged himself after murdering his wife. Investigations are in progress,” deputy police spokesperson for Mashonaland East province Assistant Inspector Misheck Denhere said. Herald 


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