Tuesday 11 October 2022


Tendai Biti’s assault case continued today with the State complaining that the CCC legislator was trying to smuggle irrelevant evidence.

Biti, who is facing allegations of manhandling a Zimbabwean investor Mrs Tatiana Aleshina at the Magistrates’ Court, is continuing with his application for referral of the matter to the Constitutional Court.

He is arguing that his constitutional rights were infringed in this matter.

Biti brought in issues concerning the Airport road construction and the contract between Augur Investments and the City of Harare which Mr Reza objected to as irrelevant in an assault matter.

He alleged that Mrs Aleshina was the mastermind of his malicious prosecution.

“Your Worship, Augur Investments is not involved in this assault case therefore its agreements with the City of Harare have nothing to do with this matter. At my age, I thought I had heard everything until today where a 2020 assault case is referred back to irrelevant things that happened in the 20th century,” said Mr Reza.

He added that Biti’s application was meant to annoy the State or the court so that an application for recusal is made.

Harare magistrate Mrs Vongai Muchuchuti concurred with the State and advised Biti to submit issues which are relevant to the current assault matter. Herald


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