Tuesday 6 September 2022


The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has today arrested Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) chief executive officer Meanwell Gudu.

ZACC spokesperson Commissioner John Makamure confirmed the arrest this evening but said he was yet to get more details.

“Yes I can confirm that (Gudu’s arrest), but I don’t have the details. He was arrested by ZACC,” said Comm Makamure.

The Herald could not immediately establish from close sources if the arrest is linked to the damning reports prepared by the unceremoniously fired TIMB head of inspectorate, Mr Saviour Muvirimi.

The reports suggested massive underhand dealings in the tobacco sector where some contractors are allegedly underfunding farmers while others are buying free-funded tobacco through abuse of grower numbers, a development that is feared could force tobacco auction floors to close. Herald


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