Friday 2 September 2022


A MALE Harare Polytechnic student drowned in a swimming pool in Victoria Falls on Wednesday night.

Tinotenda Madembo (29) from the Department of Commerce, died after efforts to resuscitate him failed.

He was among the students who attended the Youth Forum Startup Olympiad competition in the premier resort town, courtesy of the Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa (ATUPA).

Harare Polytechnic principal, Engineer Tafadzwa Mudondo, who was also attending the event, confirmed the tragic death of his student.

“It was a devastating and shocking development,” he said.

“It was not expected, but I can confirm that it did happen.

“ I cannot give you details at the moment because police are still looking into this matter.

“What I got from other students is that Tinotenda Madembo decided to swim during the night, and that’s when the unfortunate thing happened.

“As for students, I just want to urge them wherever they are, to prioritise their safety.

“If they don’t understand anything, or if they are not equipped to get into any form of exercise, they should seek guidance and protection from their seniors.”

One of the students, who witnessed the drowning, said: “He went swimming within the facilities where we were staying and drowned. Efforts were made to resuscitate him, but it was all in vain.

“The incident occurred around 8pm and family members have been notified,” said the student.

Another source said: “He was enjoying himself with fellow students in the pool at Rest Camp where the students were camping.

“It is alleged that students were preparing to host a mini party, for one of the Kenyan participants, who had bought a cake to celebrate with his new friends.

“It is not yet clear how the drowning actually happened since none of the students were comfortable talking about it.

“One of the students discovered the lifeless body of Madembo at the shallow end of the pool.

“First aid was applied to him when an ambulance was on its way.

“After some time, when he had been rushed to the hospital, he was pronounced dead.” H Metro


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