Friday 2 September 2022


CHIPINGE District Hospital has been operating without an X-Ray machine for almost five months following the breaking down of the machine in April.

Patients seeking X-Ray services are being turned away as the digital machine reportedly broke down in April when the hospital was attending to Chimanimani Bus Disaster victims who were involved in accident on their way to a church gathering in Masvingo.

The accident claimed the lives of 43 Zion Church of Christ (ZCC) followers.

A check by The Manica Post this week revealed that at least 20 patients seeking X-Ray services are being turned away daily.

They are being referred to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital in Mutare.

Chipinge District Medical Officer, Dr Brian Makumbe confirmed the development, and said they are engaging the relevant authorities to rectify the dire situation.

“Our X-Ray machine is not working. The part that broke down is very expensive to replace. The money we are receipting is not enough to repair or buy the new part. We are engaging our superiors to have this issue addressed,” said Dr Makumbe.

Chipinge District Hospital has a big catchment area covering Chipinge rural, Birchenough Bridge, Rusitu and neighbouring Mozambique.

A patient, Mr Tenson Semwayo said he had to fork out a lot of money to access X-Ray services in Mutare.

“I travelled from Manzvire in Chipinge South last week seeking help here after my relative was involved in an accident. I was told that there is no X-Ray machine and was referred to Mutare. I was charged US$40 at a private surgery in Mutare.

“We are calling on the authorities to urgently attend to the issue,” he said. Manica Post




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