Wednesday 14 September 2022


Zimbabweans should appreciate and speak positively about all the infrastructure development being undertaken by the Second Republic led by President Mnangagwa, United Family International Church leader Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa said on Sunday.

He was addressing congregants at the Chitungwiza Basilica where Zanu PF national Political Commissar, Cde Mike Bimha and his wife had visited.

Cde Bimha’s presence at the church followed an instruction by President Mnangagwa during his visit to the church during the Easter Holiday that he was supposed to frequently visit UFIC.

In his address, Prophet Makandiwa told congregants that it was high time citizens started marketing their country globally by sharing and appreciating the good developments being undertaken by the Government.

“You highlighted something which is very crucial, Dr Bimha that we have managed to stretch as a nation in terms of development,” he said.

“However, not much is being said concerning the developments taking place and we are behind in terms of marketing ourselves globally. There is a lot that has to be known about us.”

Prophet Makandiwa urged people to stop investing their energies on complaining, but to open their eyes and see the good things being done by the Government. While a country could be birthed in one day, it could not develop in a day.

Although there are other things that still need to be addressed, the Government has made a lot of notable developments from dam and road construction and airport expansion, among other things, said Prophet Makandiwa.

He called upon the church to pray for Zimbabweans so they can begin to appreciate what the Second Republic is doing.

“As men of God, we need to deal with the cloud that hovers around this country because if it is not removed, the citizens will remain under that cloud. There is need for prayer to be raised so that people can begin to appreciate good things,” said Prophet Makandiwa.

Further, it was the duty of the church to pray and support national leadership, especially since they have been acting upon some of the national prophecies he gave in the past.

In his remarks, Cde Bimha said the Second Republic was emphasising economic development and that there was a lot that the nation could take pride in.

He implored Prophet Makandiwa and his ministry as well as other churches to continue praying for peace and unity in the country as it draws closer to the harmonised elections expected next year.

“Unity is what we seek from Prophet Makandiwa and your church, and we ask you to pray for us. It is through your prayers that we are still living in peace. Other countries have wars every time.

“Peace does not just come, it’s through your prayers. You might pray silently without making any noise about it, but we know that you pray for this country Prophet Makandiwa,” said Cde Bimha.

The Government, added Cde Bimha, values the role of the churches in the country, hence the decision to have the constitution recognise freedom of worship.

Cde Bimha urged congregants to participate in the developmental programmes being undertaken by the Government in different sectors as the economy for the achievement of President Mnangagwa’s mantra of leaving no one and no place behind.

Despite battling with sanctions imposed upon us, we are still forging ahead. What we have as a nation are our resources, so let us unlock those resources. As individuals, take this opportunity to be in agriculture, mining, and other areas as it not only benefits your family, but the nation at large.

“President Mnangagwa pledges to support you in the business that you do as a ministry. He is looking at inclusive development leaving no place behind and on one behind regardless of political affiliation. Therefore, let’s walk together and develop our nation because we are all Zimbabweans.”  Herald


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