Wednesday 14 September 2022


A TOP banker allegedly faked relocation to Dubai, in 2019, just to move in with his daughter’s friend.

The banker, Nyasha Makuvise, allegedly hoodwinked his wife, Clarieta Makuvise, into believing he had been living in Dubai, since 2019, when he had been in the country all along.

Makuvise’s cover was blown last month.

His estranged wife has now filed for divorce and adultery damages against his mistress, Tsuu Machingura.

Clarieta is demanding US$100 000 in damages for loss of love, support and embarrassment brought by Tsuu’s alleged actions.

In her court papers, Clarieta claimed Nakuvise has been in Zimbabwe all along living with Tsuu, her daughter’s friend.

There was never a relocation to Dubai.

Clarieta has also asked the court to impose a caveat on all their properties, saying Nyasha was selling them without her consent.

“Sometime, in August 2022, I unearthed the truth of the adulterous affair between Nyasha and Tsuu.

“Such deception and influence of adultery has led my husband to conceal imperative business affairs of our matrimonial wealth.

“The disposed properties have been to fund the adulterous relationship’s luxurious trips and holidays.

“It has also led to Tsuu being bought luxurious motor vehicles, and living a luxurious life, where herself and her family members have been spoiled by some holiday trips and expensive gadgets.

“In simple words, Tsuu now enjoys the lifestyle that I used to enjoy prior to 2019,” said Clarieta in her papers.

As a result of the affair, Clarieta claims her family has been deprived of a lifestyle she had become accustomed to.

“The plaintiff has lost consortium; particularly, there has been a disruption of the comfort society, loss of financial support and loss of service from her husband.

“Nyasha has neglected his family in all respects to an extent that he has no knowledge of how she currently manages to take care of herself because he no longer provides the plaintiff with the lifestyle she was accustomed to and he has blocked the plaintiff outside all of her assets and investments,” reads the papers.

Further allegations are that Makuvise also took with him the couple’s minor child and, lied that he had stage four cancer, in order to sell properties.

Clarieta is demanding US$40 000 in damages for loss of contumelia, injury, insult, embarrassment and indignity.

She also wants US$60 000 for loss of consortium, disruption of comfort society, loss of financial support and loss of society. H Metro


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