Monday 22 August 2022


A 30-year-old man allegedly stoned his wife for refusing to be intimate with him while on her menstrual cycle.

Sandra Mbira, 25, said her husband, Chenjerai Madhana, rejected her menstruation explanation and accused her of having an extramarital affair.

“He said l was refusing to sleep with him because I am an unfaithful wife who was being sexually satisfied elsewhere,” she said.

It is alleged that before Madhana stoned his wife, he had assaulted her the previous night.

The abuse did not end there, as it is alleged that the next day, at around 5pm, he came home with stones and bricks.

He used the stones and bricks to assault her in the presence of their two children and neighbours.

 Mbira said she sustained head injuries, and bruises, on her shoulder, after the assault.

She was rescued by a neighbour’s daughter.

“The last thing I remember is screaming for help when l woke up in hospital,” she said.

Mbira said she reported the case to the police but Madhana has still not been arrested.

Petronella Gwena, 56, a neighbour who performed first aid on the unconscious Mbira, said by the time she got to the scene, Madhana had fled.

“Mbira was bleeding and when I touched her head, I discovered she had a deep cut,” Gwena said.

“I called my daughters and other neighbours, and we tied her head with a curtain because she was losing a lot of blood.”

They rushed Mbira to Norton Hospital.

Apart from the assault, the husband was also allegedly sending death threats to his wife.

“I will kill you and I am coming with makorokoza to finish you off, and I will not be arrested by the police,” reads a message, which was allegedly sent by Madhana.

Mbira said she was now living in fear and has had enough of Madhana and is ready to quit the marriage.

“I am going to Gokwe where my mother lives tomorrow morning,” she said.

The police said investigations were still underway. H Metro


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