Monday 22 August 2022


ALLEGED victims of Bulawayo boy scouts’ leader Norman Scott who died last week have said they feel let down as the wheels of justice turned slowly in dealing with their sexual crimes complaint.

Scott died last Sunday at a time when his victims were demanding justice for sexual crimes committed for over 40 years against boy scouts.

Scott’s victims yesterday said his death was a missed opportunity in justice delivery as he escaped prosecution.

“It took immense courage for victims to come forward and it feels like this urgency was not followed through respectively by the prosecuting officers. We are left to wonder what priority sexual crimes are given,” said one of the victims.

“In short the victims feel let down by the legal system and this may even send a message to peadophiles that they are unlikely to be stopped in Zimbabwe.”

Another victim called for more attention in addressing sexual abuse crimes.

“It is time that this circle of abuse is stopped once and for all to safeguard our children in the future. I ask that the Zimbabwe Police Commissioner and the National Prosecuting Authority take the appropriate action to protect the community,” he said.

Although the victims told Chronicle that they had been willing to pursue the case but it was stalled, National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the victims were not forthcoming in aiding the investigation.

“I confirm that police arrested the suspect. We also have dockets where the prosecution has given instructions on what needs to be done in terms of medical reports. The prosecution raised concerns that some witnesses are not cooperating,” said Asst Comm Nyathi last week.

However, victims said they did not receive any communication on what was required to move the case forward. Chronicle


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