Monday 29 August 2022


A HARARE man spent the weekend behind bars after allegedly robbing a sex worker he had hired for the night.

Gamuchirayi Mukasi, 28, was not asked to plead when he appeared before magistrate Stanford Mambanje, who remanded him in custody, to September 12.

The court heard that Mukasi went to Gungwa Night Club in Chitungwiza, armed with a revolver, and hooked up with the complainant.

The two retired to bed at her house.

He refused to pay for services rendered, snatched her cellphone and walked away.

When she followed him, he produced a revolver and threatened to kill her.

Mukasi then attempted to run away, but was apprehended by the complainant’s neighbours, after giving chase.

Mukasi failed to produce a valid licence for the firearm leading to his arrest.

Lancelot Mutsokoti appeared for the State. H Metro


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