Monday 29 August 2022


CCC lawmaker Job Sikhala has today mounted a fresh bail bid on changed circumstances in a matter he is accused of inciting his party followers to cause violence in revenge of the killing of Moreblessing Ali in Nyatsime sometime in July this year.

Sikhala is charged with incitement to commit public violence.

Through his lawyer Ms Beatrice Mtetwa, Sikhala told the court that he was prepared to pay $50 000 as bail.

He cited the fluxion of time since his initial court appearance as a changed circumstance.

Sikhala also pointed that the State has not yet made an enquiry over the alleged High Court bail condition violation, which the State relied on when it first denied him bond.

The State opposed to the application saying the High Court did not find fault in the court’s ruling when Sikhala approached the upper court on appeal.

Mr Lancelot Mutsokoti, appearing for the State, said that there was no changed circumstances in Sikhala’s case, he he wants the court to believe. Herald


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