Monday 29 August 2022


AN attempt to buy broncleer cough syrup for resale backfired for a Harare woman after she was robbed by the sellers.

Christine Mumanyi accused Hillary Simango and Feedmore Marumisa of robbery when they appeared before Harare magistrate Stanford Mambanje.

Mumanyi said she was contacted by Marumisa, via WhatsApp, saying he’d been referred to her by Genius Munetsi, who is based in South Africa.

Marumisa allegedly sent pictures of the broncleer to Mumanyi and told her to place an order for the broncleer she wanted.

It is the State’s case that on August 3, Mumanyi informed Marumisa that she had raised money for four boxes.

He referred her to an unknown person to complete the transaction.

Mumanyi went to Warren Park 1 shops and Marumisa and Simango came with two other people.

One of the men produced a pistol and ordered her to comply with their instructions.

He told her to surrender the US$850 she had and then ordered her to drive off. H Metro


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