Thursday, 2 June 2022


A MOTOR mechanic’s lifeless body was yesterday found lying on a pavement at a newly-opened bar in Glen View.

Sandrum Mungoshi, widely known for repairing vehicles at Gazaland Shopping Centre in Highfield, was suspected to have been murdered.

Police attended the scene and took the body to Sally Mugabe Hospital Mortuary for  post-mortem.

Mungoshi’s death has shocked the Glen View community.

The mourners are gathered at his rented house where, just two days ago, they also converged to pay their respects to the late mechanic’s landlord.

His former landlady, Mai Kadzviti, told H-Metro Mungoshi had been staying at the house for two years.

“Mungoshi has been a tenant since 2020 and has never been a problem at all,” said Mai Kadzviti.

“We were shocked to learn about his death after he left buckets of water and soap outside, intending to wash his clothes.

“He was among mourners at my husband’s funeral and had to help in restraining some mourners, who were fighting.

“Mungoshi’s death has brought back some of the mourners to this house because my husband was laid to rest two days ago.”

Mai Kadzviti’s late husband was a bar manager at a night club close to where Mungoshi met his fate.

Unconfirmed reports say Mungoshi was kicked by one of the patrons and fell onto the tarmac, injuring his head.

“One of the eye witnesses told us that Mungoshi akatsikwa nebhutsu mudumbu nemunhu aitiza mubhawa,” said one of the mourners.

“Akadonha negotsi akatemera pa pavement.”

Mungoshi is expected to be buried at his rural home in Mt Darwin after a post-mortem is conducted. H Metro


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