Monday, 6 September 2021


THREE artisanal miners from Newlands in Zvimba district died on Friday when a mine shaft they were working gave in and collapsed.

The three were operating from an unregistered shaft under one Mr Mapiki’s plot, some 10km from Chinhoyi towards Banket. Two of the bodies were retrieved on Friday while the last one was retrieved on Sunday night.

Mines and Mining Development Deputy Minister, Polite Kambamura confirmed the sad development, adding the death was unfortunate.

“As Government, we urged artisanal miners to exercise due diligence in their operations to avoid loss of life as the nation seeks to achieve a US$12 billion mining industry by 2023 in which the artisanal and small scale miners are part of. They should also follow the right procedure including registering the mines,” he said.

Another official from the Mines and Mining Development Ministry provincial offices said in terms of mining titles, the area falls within an Exclusive Prospecting Orders (EPO) application number 7of 2019 which is pending processing before the Mining Affairs Board.

The Ministry has since ordered the farmer to close all shafts and rehabilitate the whole area. Herald


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