Thursday, 2 May 2024


A YOUNG woman has been locked inside the house for THREE years and her grandmother says it’s for her own safety because her life is under threat.

However, her mother claims there is more than what meets the eye.

Talent Gent’s grandmother, Gogo Mushore, who is 71, claims there is a rogue man in the neighbourhood who wants to abduct her because she turned down his romantic advances.

Talent’s mother, Joyleen Gent, in a brief conversation with H-Metro before she was barred from revealing more by Gogo Mushore, said:

“There is more to this. I am not feeling well, if you may provide my daughter with a pen to write something.

“Please help us.”

Others, in the neighbourhood, though, say this imprisonment has something to do with juju.

Talent, the woman who has not been outside the house for THREE years, is just 23.

She has told H-Metro she is desperate to see what is happening outside her house and enjoy simple things like a sunbath.

She stays with her mother and grandmother and the two have been making sure that she does not go outside the house in Zengeza, Chitungwiza.

Her facial features have become lighter and she is now, through H-Metro, appealing for help.

“I am not allowed to leave this house. Ndavekudawo kumbo buda panze,” said Talent.

Her grandmother, a widow, said it was all meant to keep Talent safe.

Gogo Mushore said Talent was being hunted down by a male neighbour who initially wanted to marry her only for his advances to be turned down.

“Ndakaona kuti akatogara zvake mumba kwehupenyu hwake hwese zvirinani pakuti apondwe,” said Gogo Mushore.

“There is a man within our neighbourhood who proposed to Talent and she turned him away.

“From that day, he tried to take her by force and we warned him. He ended up sending his guys to take her by force.

“Murume uyu akasvika pakumitisa varoora vangu vaviri achiedza kuwana mukana wekusvika pana Talent.”

Gogo Mushore removed all tenants from her house because she did not want visitors to her house, which could give the rogue man a chance to sneak into the premises and “abduct” her.

“We decided to stay without tenants because of that man. My daughter (Talent’s mother) separated from her husband and is not feeling well.

“I am a widow, none of us is going to work so the challenge is that we are starving, there is no food in the house.

“We have some church pastors praying for us, but they conduct their prayers at a ground somewhere, not in this house.

“Our hope is on their prayers, without that, the life we are living here is unbearable.”

However, she barred Talent’s mother, Joyleen, from answering H-Metro’s questions about the strange set-up at the house.

Gogo Mushore said Joyleen was not well. However, before she intervened and barred her, Joyleen had told H-Metro:

“There is more to this. I am not feeling well, if you may provide my daughter with a pen to write something.

“Please help us.”

Some Zengeza residents suspect this strange set up could be related to juju.

“We are concerned for Talent’s life. We last saw her three years ago, but she is at the house, we suspect there is juju to it. Zengeza yanetsa, from Grant to Gent family, zvakaoma,” said one of the residents. H Metro


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