Wednesday, 8 September 2021


A GOKWE man has been jailed for an effective 26 months after he was found in possession of 2,875kg of dagga without a permit.

Bigboy Munyanyi (34) was last Saturday arrested following a police stop and search roadblock and was found with the dagga.

Munyanyi was yesterday (Tuesday) hauled before Gokwe provincial magistrate Mr Musaiwona Shotgame charged with possession of dagga without a permit.

He pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to an effective 26 months in jail after 10 months were set-aside on condition of good behaviour.

In passing sentence, Mr Shotgame hailed the police for intercepting the illegal dagga before it could find its way into the community.

He said cases of drug dealing were on the rise in the Midlands province.

“There is need to curtail the source as taking dagga fuels violent behaviour and crimes,” said Mr Shotgame.

Appearing for the State, Ms Getrude Shoko told the court that on September 4, police officers deployed on a stop and search roadblock along Gokwe-Kwekwe highway stopped a black Toyota Wish, registration number AFM2341, and searched the occupants.

Munyanyi was found in possession of dagga, which was in his black satchel wrapped in a plastic paper.

He failed to produce a permit when police asked for it, leading to his arrest. Herald


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